Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast. Do you know much about the Ten Commandments? How long have they been in place? What did early Christians think about them? How did early Christians number them? Were they in effect before Mt. Sinai? Were they ‘nailed to the cross’ as some claim? What is the “mystery of lawlessness” that the Apostle Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2:7? What do most professing Christian groups misunderstand about the Ten Commandments? What is the relationship between Christians, the Ten Commandments, and the Beast of Revelation in the end times? In addition to addressing those questions, this booklet explains various practical points about the Ten Commandment and how to not violate them. Each of the Ten Commandments is discussed separately and many scriptures are referenced related to each one. The Ten Commandments are important to understand in the end times.
The First Commandment
The Second Commandment
The Third Commandment
The Fourth Commandment
The Fifth Commandment
The Sixth Commandment
The Seven Commandment
The Eighth Commandment
The Ninth Commandment
The Tenth Commandment
Church History and the Ten Commandments
Arguments Against the Ten Commandments?
The ‘Mystery of Lawlessness’
The Beast and the Ten Commandments
The Composite Beast of the Sea
Here is a link to our free online book: The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast.
Also available in Spanish (Los Diez Mandamientos) language.