Letter to the Brethren: November 30, 2023
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
Greetings from Grover Beach, California.
We received another 25 translations of our English booklet titled The Gospel of the Kingdom of God this week. The recommended sermonette for this week covers some scriptures related to prophecies about the use of languages (watch Proclaiming the Gospel in 1000+ Languages).
Wedding in India
There was a wedding last Friday among our brethren in India.
Here is a photo and a report from CCOG deacon Sani Mao:
Dear Sir,Yes the wedding did go well.Groom’s name: Mr HM Aslam Shaha (formerly Muslim)Bride’s name : Miss Ahongshangbam Bembem Devi (formerly Hindu)Enclosed are the photographs.SincerelyK. Sani Mao
Prior to the wedding, Sani Mao sent over a proposed marriage certificate, which I approved. Here is the one he prepared just before the wedding:
Anyway, it is good that the wedding ceremony went well.
More on wedding and other ceremonies can be found in the following article: Ceremonies: Marriage, Funeral, Baptismal, and Laying on Hands.
Africa Reports
Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following report:
Pastor Dr Bob,
Happy to report about the Church growth in Africa.
The church is growing tremendously in Kenya and this has given more power to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in Kenya. Since the world is deceived, so many people have not Heard about the kingdom of God which is coming on earth. So many people are surprised to understand that the Kingdom of God is coming on earth. It has bring more attention for the people to listen about this good news. And so many people are turning to join the church. Right now we have four new congratulations that have joined Continuing Church of God. These are Marision, Ngaroni, Sigoti, and Kituka.
Apart from these new congregations, people are joining other old congregations so much. For example Kisii is now having more than 350 members. Other Congregations are also having additional members. We are still praying for the good and corporation work which is done in Africa.
his year we have built three new halls in Kenya. Gribe, Aora Dak, and Merigi.
Brings the total of 13 halls that we have built in Kenya. We have put tiles in 2 halls and one toilet. Ndhiwa Hall and Got Kachola Hall. We have put tiles in Got Kachola toilet. Now we are planning to put tiles in kisii Hall. We are also planning to start new hall in Chilani since the one which is there is Old. We have built one hall in Tanzania. Even though the rainfall has washed it and it needs renovation. Soon we are going to renovate it.
>We thank Dr Bob for the good assistance that enables us to print more magazines and books that has make an easy preaching and to reach many people all over Kenya. So many people are getting truth through books and magazines.
This is another good way of preaching the gospel and reaching many people. … We have chosen 3 people to stand for this program including me. We chose Granton Otieno, Joel Owuoti and Charles Agwenge to stand for this work because it’s a wide range gospel. People are having many questions because the Truth about the kingdom of God which is coming on earth is so strange to many people who were deceived that the millennium is going to be in heaven. It has caused many people to trace the Truth. We thank so much those who are supporting this program. Now we have paid for two months and the last Friday from 6pm till 7pm , our brethren, Charles Agwenge, Wiclief Obote, Granton Otieno and Joel Owuoti were in studio. Obote preached about the kingdom of God and after that so any people made calls when they need more explanation about the coming kingdom of God. It was a good presentation.
Any person who want to reach us through Radio. We are at Milambo Radio station in Migori number junction on Friday from 6pm to 7pm every week.
We have been having youth camps in Kenya for the last years. This program has promoted the system of helping our youths to learn more about GOD. Many youths are influenced to be very strong in faith and becoming faithful to GOD through this program. This year we are going to have youth camp from 22 December 2023 for one week. We are also introducing youth camp in Malawi this year which will be started on 28th December 2023. Let’s pray for this occasion to be well done.
We have built 8 houses for the widows in Kenya. And so many other assistance to many widows.
We have paid school fees for 13 orphans and 4 children who are coming from poor families. Among the 13 orphans and 4 from poor families, 7 of them joined university, 3 have gone to college and some have reached in form four and dropped out.
So far we seen a good work in Kenya.
Since we reached in CONGO, it is not a long time. The brethren in CONGO joined CCOG last year after I personally visited Congo and met many brethren who listen for the truth about the kingdom of God. When I was in Congo, so many people met me with a lot of questions. I was very busy from the day I arrived in Congo till the day I left that country. I met people from different pentecostal churches, SDA and seventh day Church of God. When I was answering questions and teaching, I didn’t know that many people Will turn and join CCOG. Recently I got a report from Moise that so many people have joined CCOG after teaching people both in Rwanda and Congo. I’m very happy to hear this good news from brother Moise. I also got the certificate of registration for the church in Congo. We thank Dr Bob for good assistance to help the church to be registered in Congo.
Malawi and Mozambique
It is wonderful work which is done in Malawi and Mozambique. The church is growing tremendously. When I was in Malawi and Mozambique, I met many brethren who are in church. I also received good report from Sosten who was our former representative in Malawi that he is still continuing preaching about the kingdom of God and so many people are coming in. I’m planning to go to Malawi and Mozambique soon. There are some people who are giving fake reports that CCOG is collapsed in Malawi. This is a total lie. And people shouldn’t listen to such lies. The church in both Malawi and Mozambique is very strong and steady. The people who were disfellowshipped from Continuing Church of God because of bad behavior are the people who were collected by a certain man from USA to join Hope of Israel worldwide church of God.
Our brother Molozowa was sick but now he is going well and recently he was in Mozambique to visit brethren. I talked with him yesterday and also I wrote to Dr Bob to help him get a bicycle that he can ride as per the advice from the doctor. He was instructed by the doctor to ride a bicycle to make his joins strong.
I received a letter from our brother Koang that he is planning to visit South Sudan to meet some people there who want join CCOG. Ethiopia has been having wars every moment. And also the two tribes in Gambella used to fight often. It has not been good with that town. But it’s good that the church is strong and steady. Our deacon Koang is working well.
Rwanda And Tanzania,
Brother Moise recently reported that the church is growing well in Rwanda after I visited Rwanda. This is good news.
Registering the church in Rwanda takes a long process. The same to Tanzania. But we are trying to figure out how the church will be registered in both countries.
It has been a long time since I visited Ghana. I’ve been trying to reach our brother Samuel but the network is not good.
We have one brother in Uganda. He is a strong member. He was baptized by Moise this year in Rwanda.
Pray for the work in Africa.
Also from Kenya, Tiongik Sawek sent the following report:
Received greetings here from Rift Valley Kenya. Our Churches are doing well, so far in Merigi -Tach Arwet Local Church, the construction is yet to be finished, the only remaining parts are windows and the doors to be fixed. We were planning that by the end of this December, we shall have visited there together with Evangelist Ochieng, Elder Cheruiyot and other leaders so as to conduct the prayers and see the pending construction of their church, including the reading books as earlier promised them by Evans Ochieng.
Furthermore, the brethrens so far are in good numbers and the CCOG have grown in this area. The same has been witnessed in Bomet Town Church where the congregation has increased. Hopefully, we have to arrange for enough books during a visit to these areas.
Lastly, Beginning on 2nd December 2023 we shall be heading to Sagemian-Nkarroni where we shall be conducting prayers with brethrens; and if we get enough time we shall proceed to Mau Region. We got some books together with Elder Cheruiyot to take to these places. We believe later we shall be having enough books for them.
We will also have a time to meet with Elder Rono before leaving him for a hospital Check up, and proceed with the other brethren. We had earlier promised to visit this place. If we get enough money we shall proceed to NAROK as they have been waiting for us.
This journey could take a period of not less than a week before we embark.
I will also send a copy of this information to Evans Ochieng.
Pray for us and for these activities ahead of us.
Pst. Sawek
Deacon Koang Deng sent the following in a couple of emails from Ethiopia:
Dear Pastor:
Greetings to you over there.
I did talk to our members who are residents in that a country as to know exactly the number of our families who were promised to be a ccog.
And they told me that, they are five families (5) members, out of those still looking on ccog teachings.
Again, we do agreed that, our travel to that area will be on January Month.
We {moved the trip} from Month February back to January Month. Why we do that, because these people urgently wanted us to visit them shortly, And the baptism need to be in short period of time. … We need a passpermit letter from our head office.
These are names you would write on this Passpermit letter.
1. Deacon Koang Deng.
2. Member, Gatkuoth Wiyual.
3. Member, Riak Tuach.Kinds regards,
Koang Deng.
So, yes, a letter “passpermit” was sent toe Ethiopia that hopefully allow them to go into South Sudan for this baptismal trip.
Much is going on with the CCOG in Africa as we strive to reach all that we can. As well as providing support to poor widows and orphans (cf. Galatians 2:10; James 1:27).
Yes, we should all pray for the work in Africa.
Suggested Sabbath Day Services
Here is a suggested Sabbath day service for our scattered brethren and other interested people:
- 2-3 hymns (our songbook, The Bible Hymnal, contains the materials from the 1974 Bible Hymnal from the old WCG with new covers, plus ten additional hymns; there is also some Choral Accompaniment online).
- Opening prayer.
- The suggested sermonette is: Proclaiming the Gospel in 1000+ Languages. Other sermonettes are available at our Prophecy channel on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/prophecy/
- Announcements (if any; though for many it will be this letter) and one hymn.
- The suggested sermon, which for most who receive this letter via email will be: The End of European Babylon. Other sermons are also available at the COGTube channel on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/cogtube/
- Final hymn.
- Closing prayer.
Note: If you have a slow internet connection, you can watch these by starting the video, then below it (and towards the right) look for an outline of a gear–if you click on that, it will allow the YouTube video to be played with lower video quality, but at least it will not stop often–you can select a quality as low as 144p. If your internet connection is still too slow (as my home one is) and/or you prefer audio messages to audio-visuals ones, go to the YouTube link for the message, click on SHOW MORE related to the description. You will then see something that says, “Download MP3.” Below that is a link to an MP3 file. Most computers (and even some cellular telephones) will allow MP3 files to be downloaded and played. This is an option we have made available (but we are also looking into ways to improve that as well)–and, of course, we have written article options. Some people have found that if their internet connections are not fast enough, that they can simply listen to the messages that are found at the Bible News Prophecy online radio channel.
IN CASE YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A ‘LETTER TO THE BRETHREN’ FOR ANY WEEK, REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE MANY SERMON MESSAGES ON THE ContinuingCOG channel AND MANY SERMONETTE MESSAGES ON THE Bible News Prophecy channel. There are also some messages at the CCOGAfrica channel. There are also messages in the Spanish language at the CDLIDDSermones channel.
World News Items
There has been a major outbreak of some type of respiratory virus in China that looks similar to one affecting children in the Netherlands (see MS: Has Whatever Is Spreading Like Wildfire In China Already Reached The United States And Europe?). Pestilences are expected (Matthew 24:4-8; Revelation 6:7-8) and this could possibly be related to that.
As the Israel-Hamas war is not over, various ones have claimed that the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38 is at hand. In addition to Protestants who have suggested this, now a Muslim from Egypt has (see I365: Egyptian Sheikh: Israel war will usher in Gog and Magog between Russian and US; Jesus will win the war for Islam; COGwriter: No, not according to biblical prophecy). However, that is not the case as that war is over 1,000 years from now.
The Union for the Mediterranean had their meeting in Spain in the past week. This is a group of European and Arab nations, with Israel also a member. But this year, Israel did not attend. Those there proposed their answer for peace in the region (see EU and Arab leaders: Two-State Solution Only Answer to Palestinian-Israeli Conflict; COGwriter: No, the Kingdom of God is the Solution), which, at most will bring a temporal peace. However, the fact of this meeting once again shows that Europe expects to be involved in a peace deal in the Middle East. And from Daniel 9:27, we know that a deal there will be confirmed by a European “prince” (perhaps Herr Guttenberg?). A coming deal with a time period is biblically expected (see also
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27) and IF the 6000 years of humanity ruling itself is to end by 2031, we would expect confirmation of the relevant deal in 2024!
Concluding Comments
The Bible teaches:
12 So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)
The deaths of the elderly former US First Lady Rosalynn Carter (age 96) and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (age 100) this past week should remind us that this physical life is only temporary–even if we live a long time, death comes.
Therefore, as Christians we realize the importance of obeying God so that we may inherit eternal salvation through Jesus (Hebrews 5:9)–which Jesus promised for any of brethren who “endures to the end” (Matthew 10:22).
We all need to strive to do so, despite issues and challenges that we may face.
Bob Thiel
Pastor and Overseer