BibleNewsProphecy: Should the True Church of God be Headquartered in Jerusalem?

Here is a link to the April-June 2018 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.

In This Issue:

3 From the Editor: Should the True Church of God be Headquartered in Jerusalem?
Some have said so. What does the Bible teach?

13 Study the Bible Course Lesson 13: What Is the Christian’s Inheritance? Do Christians
inherit the Earth or Heaven?

28 Did the Old Testament Teach the Kingdom of God? Were the children of Israel aware
of the Kingdom of God from the Hebrew scriptures?

31 YOU May NOT ESCAPE the Tribulation! The late evangelist Leroy Neff wrote about this over
five decades ago—but the message is even more timely today as we are closer to the Great Tribulation.

Here is a link to the April-June 2018 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.