BibleNewsProphecy July-September 2023: Red Heifers and the Fate of the World?
Here is a link to the Bible News Prophecy July-September 2023 edition of our magazine.
In This Issue:
2 From the Editor: Red Heifers and the Fate of the World? The Temple Institute in Jerusalem
thinks this matter is highly important, but could it be prophetically relevant?
9 What Does It Mean – Bring Every Thought into Captivity to Christ? Lynn Torrance had
some pointers in the past that are still valid today.
13 Jesus is the slain goat of the ancient atonement ceremony What does that look to picture?
23 Study the Bible Course Lesson 23b: Origin of False Education Warnings Against False
30 Brief Answer to a Scriptural Question Does Luke 14:26 mean to hate our relatives?
Here is a link to the Bible News Prophecy July-September 2023 edition of our magazine.