BibleNewsProphecy July-September 2018: The European Beast is Rising Up
Here is a link to the July-September 2018 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.
In This Issue:
2 From the Editor: Jesus, Joshua, or Yashua?
Must you use Hebrew words for the Father and the Son?
5 Study the Bible Course Lesson 14: Are humans immortal? Did that idea originate from the Bible?
12 Did the Apostles teach the Gospel of the Kingdom? What does the Bible teach?
17 The European Beast is Rising Up The late evangelist Raymond McNair wrote about this. There is also additional information beyond what he wrote showing that what he expected is happening.
22 When Should You Be Anointed? The late David Jon Hill gives his perspective on that.
Here is a link to the July-September 2018 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.