Bible News Prophecy October-December 2019: Gaza and the Palestinians: Does the Bible have prophecies related to the Palestinians or those of Gaza?

Here is a link to the October-December 2019 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.

In This Issue:

From the Editor: 25 Reasons Not to Celebrate Christmas  Early Christians did not celebrate Christmas. Should you?

Gaza and the Palestinians Does the Bible have prophecies related to the Palestinians or those of Gaza?

Christ Said – WATCH! What should we watch? Will all in the Philadelphia remnant be protected?

The Fifth CommandmentDo you honor your father and mother? Are you an honourable parent?

Studythe Bible Course Lesson 16b: You Must Be Born Again!

Happiness Is … Is happiness wealth and power? What can bring happiness to humankind?

Youth and Singles Q&A This article answers questions some teens and singles have wondered about.

Here is a link to the October-December 2019 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.