Bible News Prophecy July – September 2021: Can the USA Be Gone By 2028?
Here is a link to the July – September 2021 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.
In This Issue:
From the Editor: Can the USA Be Gone By 2028? Do biblical prophecies, Jewish tradition, and early Christian teaching support this?
Lesson 20a The Holy Spirit: Is it the third member of the trinity? What is it?
Day of Atonement: What might it mean?
Jesus’ Prophecies Fulfilled Outside the New Testament: Here are eleven predictions Jesus gave that were clearly fulfilled outside of the New Testament.
Dinosaurs Before Adam? This is a reprint of an article by Robert E Gentet.
The Miracles of Jesus – Part 3 – A Sabbath Healing: Article directed towards our younger readers and those who needed to be read to.
WOMEN – What Will YOU Be in God’s Kingdom? Article from the old Radio Church of God.
Question and Answer: How Do I Become a Member of the Continuing Church of God?
Here is a link to the July – September 2021 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.