Bible News Prophecy January – March 2023: Calls for an Arab NATO or the King of the South?
Here is a link to the January – March 2023 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.
In This Issue:
From the Editor: Calls for an Arab NATO or the King of the South? Will there be a military alliance of nations in the Middle East and North Africa?
Valentine’s, Carnaval/Mardi Gras, & Lent Should Christians keep those days?
THE BIBLE AND HISTORY PROVE The Jews DON’T Observe Passover! An article from the late Ernest Martin about certain calendar mistakes the many of Jews go along with.
Study the Bible Course, Lesson 22b: Repentance What is repentance?
Increase YOUR Part in God’s Work! An article from Richard Sedliacik of the old Radio Church of God.
The Miracles of Jesus – Part 6 – The Paralysed man
Questions and Answers: Did Samuel really appear to Saul after he died?
Back Cover: Internet and Radio This shows where written as well as audio-visual messages from the ContinuingChurch of God can be found.
Here is a link to the January – March 2023 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.