Bible News Prophecy January – March 2021: India, Prophecy, and the Beasts of Revelation 13

Here is a link to the January – March 2021 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.

In This Issue:

From the Editor: Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers  How does the CCOG assist in this? 

The Parable of the Mustard Seed  Jesus spoke many parables. One was a comparison of the kingdom of God and a mustard seed. 

Love is the Greatest Commandment, But Should We Extend Love to Our Enemies?  Here is an article from Africa related to loving enemies.

India, Prophecy, and the Beasts of Revelation 13  Do Indian and Roman Catholic prophecies support the view that most in India may one day support, for a time, the Beast of Revelation 13? 

The Tenth Commandment   Do not covet. Much of the world does not think this is a sin, but it is. 

Lesson 19a: Why a NEW Covenant?  What does the Bible teach? 

The Miracles of Jesus – Part 1 – Water into Wine  A short lesson for the young and the young at heart. 

Question and Answer:  Can a woman braid her hair? What about jewelry?

Here is a link to the January – March 2021 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine.