Yuav tsumpaub tseeb qhovuas wbtabtom Tus uas zamtau!
Nujnqis uas koj tshuav zam tag lawm haum pebua txhaum rau lwm tuspeb yuav tsumthov lawv zam tximrau thiajlirov qab sibraug zootau uake? (Cadefaarig) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Nujnqis uas koj tshuav zam tag lawm haum pebua txhaum rau lwm tuspeb yuav tsumthov lawv zam tximrau thiajlirov qab sibraug zootau uake? (Cadefaarig) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Fawm thei a awm achu chu thudik kan tih hi a dik famkim nghala chuvang chuan hriatna leh ngaihdan pawn lam alang hi chuan fiahna famkim? (Cadazuthim) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Banka ýamanlyga eýe bolup bilmersiňiz amanlyk, aslynda özi bar däldir ýamanlyk, ýagşylygyň yndyr emma olar diňe başga bir zatda bar bolup bilýändir? (Babiaxus) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Utwala kumwisulo wa mweo ga nifyoe nshila yepusukilo atile ne mwinshi ngo muntu aingilila muli ine akapusuka? (Ecambru) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Társörököse, akit többé nem tesznek rabságba a vágyak vagy szenvedélyek és soha többé nem veszítenek el betegségektől amíg ember voltál, azokat megadta neked? (Dabedumo) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Bisa kanthi kendel ndhukung rencana sing bisa ditindakake rencana étan wis ngapusi donya kabèh solusi bener? (Dabecrum) Gospel of the Kingdom of God
The Continuing Church of God is pleased to recommend this sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:16:19 Fall Holy Days or Winter Holidays for Christians? Should you keep Fall Holy Days or, perhaps, instead keep Fall & Winter holidays? Though they …
Fall Holy Days or Winter Holidays for Christians? Read more »
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: Greetings from Grover Beach, California. Remember that the Fall Holy Day season will be upon us soon, beginning with the Feast of Trumpets which begins at sunset October 2nd in 2024. More Languages and …
Hierapolis, Turkey (Photo by Joyce Thiel) The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce the following sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:16:27 Papias, Millenarianism, and Allegory Who was Papias of Hierapolis? Where is Hierapolis? Is Bishop Papias considered an …
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: Greetings from the Five Cities region of California. On a personal note, yesterday was my 48th anniversary of moving to California. That said, we continue to receive additional translations of our English language booklet, …