Sermon: Deuteronomy 31-34
Here is a link to the sermon titled Deuteronomy 31-34
Here is a link to the sermon titled Deuteronomy 31-34
Here is a link to the sermon: Deuteronomy 25-30
Here is a link to the second of a multi-part sermon series: Deuteronomy 5-12
Here is a link to a sermon titled: Deuteronomy Chapters 18 – 24
Feast of Tabernacles: Deuteronomy 1-4 The Bible teaches that the ‘book of the law’ should be read every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles. Dr, Thiel gives the first part of a multi-part sermon reading that book of the …
Feast of Tabernacles Offertory John Hickey explains whether or not offerings are appropriate for Christians on the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. What does the Bible teach? Feast of Tabernacles Offertory
Dear Brethren and co-workers in Christ: The Feast of Tabernacles begins at sunset tonight. And in New Zealand, where my wife, son, and I now are at, it begins earlier than many other places. As far as locations, here are …
Sermon: Behind the Work 2013: “For I work a work in your days” What has been going on in the Continuing Church of God? What work is being done? Is the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached? How is it …
Sermon: Behind the Work 2013: “For I work a work in your days” Read more »
Dear Brethren and co-workers in Christ: The Day of Atonement begins at sunset tonight. And in New Zealand, where my wife, son, and I now are at, it has already begun. We left our house Wednesday afternoon, drove the 200 …
STATEMENT OF BELIEFS OF THE CONTINUING CHURCH OF GOD (KATIKA LUGHA YA KISWAHILI) Vipengele vya Imani vya Kanisa la Continuing Church of God “…muishindanie imani waliyokabidhiwa watakatifu mara moja tu” (Yuda 3); “Upendo wa ndugu (Filadefia) na udumu (Waebrania 13:01); …
Vipengele vya Imani vya Kanisa la Continuing Church of God Read more »